

Sondag 12 Mei 2013

Bruce Lee Exercise - How Did Bruce Lee Exercise?

Most people would love to have the body and power that Bruce Lee had, but they don't know, how did Bruce Lee exercise ?
Bruce Lee, the name alone conjures up images of fast kicks, powerful punches and an incredible body. What were the exercises that Bruce Lee used to accomplish his power, grace, speed and chiseled muscularity?
Although, Bruce Lee used both weight training and isometrics in his fitness program, by no means did he consider these two types of strength training methods as equal in their value, results and principles. They both build strength, but there are some differences.
Isometric exercise strengthens and firms muscles, but makes very little contribution to muscle endurance.
Isometrics alone can never constitute an entire training program. It must be mixed with flexibility and aerobics training. Weightlifting on the other hand, or resistance training will increase muscle size and flexibility. A combination of resistance training, and isometrics is a superior protocol than just using one of these two.
Bruce Lee Exercise - Isometrics
The only other problem with conventional isometrics, is that performed without resistance, you have no way of measuring performance. By resistance, I mean, either free weights or an isometric exercise device, similar to the Tensolator that Bruce Lee used.
In the Art of Expressing the Human Body, Bruce Lee and John Little both pointed this out. They also noted that you can use different resistance and repetitions to deliver different results. As to the individuals that point out that Bruce Lee exercise used traditional isometrics, they are either confused or have not read this book. In it, Bruce Lee leaves no doubt as to what he feels is the most effective way to use isometric training.
Bruce Lee Exercise - The Tensolator
Bruce Lee stated in the same book that isometrics is the quickest builder of raw strength, while weightlifting increases strength. He also stated that isometrics alone will not yield an increase in muscle size, therefore you must use a resistance training device to perform repetitions of the exercise in order to make the muscle grow. A few of these resistance training devices would be free weights, resistance bands or a Tensolator like device.(The Tensolator is an isometric exercise device, that used both of these training principles.)

If you understand anything about Bruce Lee, then you know that he was a methodical researcher. He would cut through the hype and sales pitch to determine if the product or method would help him achieve his ultimate goal. As I mentioned earlier, Bruce Lee read all the various muscle magazines available at that time and would cut out the articles that interested him or would help him achieve the goal of gaining muscle mass, strengthening his forearms, or creating muscle definition.

He even went so far as to file these articles in separate folders. In his quest for strength, his first training theory that captured his attention was that of isometrics or static contractions. What made this theory, a part of the Bruce Lee exercise program? It's effectiveness!
Would you like to know more about Bruce Lee's exercise and workout program? Would you like to know about a revolutionary, Isometric Exercise Portable Home Gym that only needs 5 minutes to give you six pack abs, increases your strength by 300% and is patterned after one of Bruce Lee's training devices?
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